
Friday, October 19, 2018

INDEX of Topics at Biblical Anthropology

(Current as of 8 March 2025)

New to this research? These introductory articles will help you to understand the science of Biblical Anthropology.

Amram's Children
Aaron Was Buried in Edom
The Aaronic Blessing Speaks of the Gospel
Moses' Wives and Brothers

African = Black is a Modern Equation
Africans in Abel Beth Maacah
The Shrine City of Nekhen
Why Nekhen is Anthropologically Significant
The Mega-Nile
Africa is Archaeologically Rich
Sudan is Archaeologically Rich

Peleg: Time of Division
The Joktanite Tribes
The Jebusites Unveiled
Intermarriage Between the Dedanites and the Edomites

Interview with Christopher Ehret
Ethics and Religious Practices of the Afro-Asiatics
Afro-Asiatic Rulers and the Celestial Archetype
Nimrod, an Afro-Asiatic Kingdom Builder
Afro-Asiatic Kingdom Building
The Afro-Asiatic Dominion
The Spread of the Afro-Asiatic Worldview
Afro-Asiatic Symbols that Speak of God

Horticulture in the Ancient World
Olive Oil Production in the Ancient World
Threshing Floors and Solar Symbolism
32,000 Year Flour Processing Plant
Ancient Nubians Used Plants Medicinally
The Judean Palm

The Ainu Mystery
The Annu of On (Iunu)
The Nile-Japan Ainu Connection
Abraham's Ainu Ancestors
Ainu at Genetic Center
A Kindling of Ancient Memory
The Bible and the Question of Race

Akkadian Lexicon

Ten Objections to Women Priests

Animals of the Bible
The Mule and the Donkey
Yes! Abraham had Camels
The Animals on Noah's Ark
Noah's Birds
The Ostrich in Biblical Symbolism

The Rooster in Biblical Symbolism
Animal Totems Used to Trace Ancestry
Dogs in the Bible
The Serpent on Moses's Staff
The Lion and Judah
The Fatted Calf
The Red Heifer





Debt Relief
The Ancient Practice of Debt Cancellation

Intermarriage Between the Dedanites and the Edomites
The Afro-Arabian Dedanites
Who Were the Dedanites?

Derrida, Jacques
Derrida and Biblical Anthropology
Levi-Strauss and Derrida on Binary Oppositions

How the Deuteronomist Changes the Genesis Narrative
Afro-Asiatic Influences on the Deuteronomist Historian
Fundamentalism and Syncretism in Hebrew History
The Reconceptualization of Kingship in Deuteronomy

DNA Studies
Haplogroups of Interest to Biblical Anthropologists
Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA)
Tut's Father Married His Cousin
Ethiopian DNA Study Ignores Significant Data
Ashkenazi Represent Judeo-Khazar Admixture
A Kindling of Ancient Memory
Abraham: Descendant of Both Shem and Ham
Migrations Out of Africa
Denisovan Populations
Denisovan Finds Create a Stir
Genetic Risks in Cousin Marriage
Genetic Adam Never Knew Genetic Eve
DNA Research Confirms Kushite Migration
DNA Confirms Mixed Ancestry of Jews
Mitochondrial Eve
Genesis and Genetics
Sub-Saharan DNA of Modern Jews
DNA Research Confirms Kushite Migration
Overview of Human Origins
A Flawed Paradigm
Is Scientific Dating of Fossils Reliable?
Genesis on Human Origins
The Making of Man
Genesis: Is It Really About Human Origins?
Q and A on Creation vs Evolution
Genesis and Genetics
Hunter-Gatherer Study Inconclusive
Ethiopian DNA Study Ignores Significant Data
A Kindling of Ancient Memory
Abraham: Descendant of Both Shem and Ham
Migrations Out of Africa
80,000 Year African Ancestor of Chinese Men

Earth Science
Walking Rocks
Pillars of the Earth
Geologic Studies Confirm Biblical Data

Who Was Eber?
Noah's Sons and Their Descendants

Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Ben Sirach)
The Chiastic Center of Ecclesiasticus
The Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sirach

Parsing Genesis 36
Midianite Potters in Edom
Chiefs of Edom
Aaron Was Buried in Edom
Edom and Copper
Edo, Edom, Idumea
Edom and the Horites
The Edomites and the Color Red
Ancient Seats of Wisdom
Two Named Esau
Ezekiel's Temple - Wikipedia

Fertility/ Fertility Images

High God

Horns/Horned Altar

Herod the Great
Are Rabbinic Interpretations of the Bible Accurate?
Did Jews Live in Dynastic Egypt?
Challenge to Shaye Cohen's Portrayal of Abraham as the First Jew
Member of Israel's Parliament Destroys Bible
Rabbi Hirsch on the Nations
The Talmud on the Virgin Mary
Talmudic Legend vs Biblical History

The Scatter-Gather Motif in Judges

Hazor's Destruction: Another Theory

Judaism is Not the Faith of Abraham
The Social Structure of the Biblical Hebrew (Part 1 - Introduction)
The Social Structure of the Biblical Hebrew (Part 2 - Descent)
The Social Structure of the Biblical Hebrew (Part 3 - Inheritance)
The Social Structure of the Biblical Hebrew (Part 4 - Right to Rule)
The Social Structure of the Biblical Hebrew (Part 5 - Residence)
The Social Structure of the Biblical Hebrew (Part 6 - Governance)
Denying Marriage: A cunning royal strategy


Law, Law Codes, Law Enforcement


Mary (Theotokos)

Midrash in Genesis

The Migration of Abraham's Ancestors
DNA Research Confirms Kushite Migration
Does Genesis 10 Describe the Ainu Dispersion?

Miners Venerated Hathor
V. Kassianidou; A.B. Knapp, Archaeometallurgy in the Mediterranean: The Social Context of Mining, Technology and Trade
Copper and Iron

Mount Nebo was a Horite Hebrew Shrine
The Sign of Mount Moriah
What Abraham Discovered on Mount Moriah
Sacred Mountains and Pillars

Moses the Horite Hebrew Priest
Moses and the "Kushite" Bride
Moses's Horite Family
Moses's Wives and Brothers
The Serpent of Moses's Staff
A Bridegroom of Blood
Mosaic Authorship?
Moses and Abraham: Different Origins of Israel?

Were the Tarim Mummies Afro-Eurasians?
Why Nekhen is Anthropologically Significant

Lyre Music from 1400 BC

The Christ in Nilotic Mythology
Eliade Was Right About Celestial Archetypes
The Mythological Core of Christianity
Tehut's Victory Over Tehom
Heaven or Heavens: Does It Matter?

Are the Names Nahor and Nehesi Related?


The Priests of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth, Son of David
Jesus' Home in Nazareth?


Seth and the Sethite Hebrew


Trinitarian Correspondences Between Mesopotamia and the Nile
The Substance of Abraham's Faith

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