
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nahor and his Descendants

Dr. Alice C. Linsley

Abraham's older brother was Nahor. Na-Hor is a Horus name. In ancient Akkadian, Na is a modal prefix indicating service to, affirmation, or affiliation. Na-Hor indicates that this man was a devotee of HR, which in ancient Egyptian refers to the Most-High God. Horus names were not unusual among the Horite Hebrew. Other Hebrew rulers with a Horus name include Hur, a "father of Bethlehem" and Harnepher, a chief of the tribe of Asher (1 Chron. 7:36).

Nahor ascended to the throne of their father Terah that probably extended between Haran and Ur, along the Euphrates River. He was the progenitor of twelve Aramean tribes through his 11 sons and 1 daughter. Eight were children of Milcah and four were children of Reumah (Gen. 22.20-24). Since the lines of Nahor and Abraham intermarried, it serves us well to learn all that we can about Abraham's nephews.

Genesis 22:20 tells us Milcah married Nahor and gave birth to eight sons. The most notable of Milcah's sons was Kemuel, the father of Aram the Younger. Aram the Elder was one of Shem's sons (Gen. 10:22) and he had a son named Uz. Job was of the clan of Uz.

In Numbers 34:24 we find that a descendant of Kemuel was a leader of the Ephraimites. I Chronicles 27:17 says that the Ephraimite Kemuel had a son named Hashabiah who was a Levite ruler. I Chronicles 26:30 referes to Hashabiah as a "Hebronite" who was put "in charge of Israel west of Jordan in everything pertaining to Yahweh and to the service of the king." In other words, one of Lot’s relatives by his sister was a man of great authority in Israel.

In Patriarchal times the rulers among these Horite clans would have intermarried. In his commentary on Genesis, E.A. Speiser recognizes this. He believes that the “parallel treatment of the histories of Abraham and Lot is added proof that interrelationship was particularly intimate and important in early times.” (Anchor Bible Commentary, p. 146)  The intermarriage of the clans is indicated also by the meaning of the names of Lot’s sons. Moab (Muab in Egyptian) means "from the father" and Ben-Ammi means "son of kin."

Whether Moab and Ben-Ammi were Lot’s first-born sons by two wives or his grandchildren, he is presented in Genesis as a great chief with the same familial pattern as Terah, Abraham and Jacob. The marriage and ascendancy pattern involved two firstborn sons by different women. The first wife was the half-sister (as was Sarah to Abraham) and the second wife was usually a cousin (as was Keturah to Abraham).

A patrilineal cousin is a first cousin who is in the same descent group as her husband. In other words, she and her cousin husband have a common male ancestor. This was the preferred marriage arrangement for rulers among Abraham's Horite people whose religion and point of origin is the ancient Nile. The rulers had two wives. One was a half-sister (as was Sarah to Abraham) and the other was a patrilineal cousin or niece (as was Keturah to Abraham) who named her firstborn son after her father, following the cousin bride's naming prerogative.

One of Nahor's grandsons was Lot, the son of Haran. The name Lot is found in Egyptian records, as in the name of the ruler Nim-Lot. Nimlot means the “Waters of Lot.” An earlier pictograph for water was w.  A sense of this is retained in the Arabic word for sweet water: ka-w-thr, which literally means “pure water from the King.”  In the ancient world, kings dug wells and controlled all the sources of the fresh water. Lot and his Horite ruler ancestors were the great rulers of the ancient world who controlled the major waterways and built their temples and shrines along rivers, at oases, and at wells.


  1. Uz is son of Aram bin shem uz in Arabic is Aws. Uz had Ad and Ubayl and Aram had Gether (athir) who had Thamud and Jadis
    The sons of Ad were sent their brethren prophet hud pbh , they persished thamud succeeded them , prophet hud remained with family and thamud , they migrated to al hijr , they lived from there to greater part of syria , they mixed with Assyrians who succeeded them , the thamud are from prophet hud or at least the royalty among them. When thamud went astray , prophet saalih was sent to them when they rejected his message they perished saalih family remained the arameans (nabateans ,chaldeans) succeeded them this mixed into assyrians , all people of Aws. Arameans are the chaldeans one and same people all people of Aws . Also before the adites perished there must have been mixing with other tribes and people

    1. Very interesting. I would like to see linguistic, DNA, Archaeological and anthropological evidence for this history. Thamudic scripts were used by the Dedanites of Arabia. You might find this of interest:

    2. Not sure what happened to ubayl and jadis , not much is said about them but what i know is that adites conquered iraq and syria

  2. Arameans/chaldeans came from west. Also there are three nimrods one was nimrod bin arphaxad whose dwelling place was al hijr north arabia all a mix. The chaldeans mixed with kurds (medes) , kurds are also from hittite royalty

    1. Nim-rud is of ancient Egyptian origin and a royal title so I am not surprised that more than one ruler held this name. Nim is water and rd means the earth or globe. Nim-Lot is also an ancient Egyptian title. Nimlot C was the High Priest of Amun at Thebes during the latter part of the reign of his father Osorkon II. He died before the end of his father's reign and his son Takelot II succeeded him as High Priest of Amun.

      Nimrod, the son of Kush, is mentioned in 1Chronicles 1:10, Micah 5:5 and Genesis 10:8-12 where he is portrayed as "a mighty hunter before the Lord." The term "mighty hunter" is related to the Hausa term for lead hunter - sarkin maharba. Sar means king in Sumerian.

    2. the dravidians are the sumerians who are canaanites they are not from Cush bin Ham there are three Nimrods 1 is Nimrod bin Arfakhshaad bin Shem 2) Nimrod bin Cush bin Canaan bin Ham 3) Nimrod bin Ham . People are not understanding this. Arameans are the Chaldeans one and same people
      the Adite Kings Shaddad and Shadid who are from Ad bin Uz (aws) bin Aram bin Shem conquered Syria and Iraq probably during same time as Amorites who are the Imliq and the Akkadians making Syria and Iraq Aws in origin when actual tribe of Ad perished Prophet HUd and Thamud settled in al hijr they lived from there to greater part of Syria they were same time as Assyrians Thamud are from Prophet Hud PBH or just royals thamud went astray and they were sent Prophet Salih PBH the actual tribe of Thamud perished Prophet Salih remained Imliq(amorite) are from him they and akkadians carried the blessings when thamud perished the remaining sons of aram were known as arman they are the nabateans the akkadians and imliq are Arami people a mix the arameans could have also been from Ubayl bin Aws (uz) and Jadis bin Athir bin aram you see Nimrod who descends from arfakhshaad his dwelling place was al hijr from this time to time when tthamud perished what were sons of Arfakhshaad doing and who were they mixing with ? they are the Chaldeans they called Ibrahim PBH was called the wandering aramean and Arameans absorbed the amorites(imliq) and they mixed with the akkadians

  3. I don't understand how Lot is named here as son of Haran and grandson of Nahor.

    1. See Genesis 11:24. Nahor the Elder is the father of Terah, the father of Abraham. Abraham's older brother is also named Nahor. Lot is Abraham's nephew, the son of his dead older brother Haran. See Genesis 11:31. You might find the diagrams here helpful:

  4. The name Lot has variant spellings, including Lut, Lit and Lud. The name Lut/Lit appears in the Harran Census and in Assyrian deeds and contracts. Harran is where Abraham and Lot lived before then went to Canaan. The name also appears among Egyptian rulers. Nim-Lot is an example. It is related to the word Lud. Lud was a son of Shem and also a descendants of Ham. The Ludim (Ludites) are listed as descendants of Ham in Genesis 10:13, but keep in mind that the lines of Ham and Shem intermarried and the name Lud/Lot/Lut will appear more than once because of the cousin-bride's naming prerogative. See these articles:

  5. So the Aramaic language (spoken by Laban to Jacob) in Genesis 31:47 is the language of Aram the Elder or Aram the Younger?

    It would seem that the Tower of Babel account would be in the lifetime of Aram the Elder as opposed to the Aram the Younger.

    Since Abram, Nahor, and Lot left the land of the Chaldeans it seems
    like Chesed (like Uz) was named after the land they left instead of being the founders of those lands. Unless at the time of Moses, he
    was using Uz, Aram, and Chesed to name the regions in terms that
    would be familar to the Hebrew readers.

    Confused, can you help?

    Nahor's Sons by Milcah (Genesis 22)
    Uz (Land of Uz is probably Shem's grandson, not Nahor's son)
    Kemuel (father of Aram the Younger) Aramaic language
    Chesed (is Chesed named for Chaldeans or vice versa?)
    Bethuel (father of Rebekah and Laban)

    Nahor's Sons by Reumah
    Maacah (location in Syria)

  6. Some refer to Maachah as a son of Nachor and Re'umah, others as a daughter. Arguments one way or the other?

  7. According to the BHI groups Ruth was not a Moabite she was an Israelite from the tribe of Rubean she was a Rubeanite is this true was Ruth an Israelite was she a Rubeanite was she from the tribe of Rebean or was she a granddaughter of Yacob /Israel was she daughter of Rebean or was she a granddaughter of Lot and a daughter of Moab which one is true or are the both true the BHI movement says she was an Israelite

  8. The term "Israelite" pertains to the clan of Jacob. Jacob and the Moabite Ruth share common Hebrew ancestors in Terah and Nahor the Elder (Genesis 11). Therefore, in the Hebrew cognatic descent system they are kin.


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