
Monday, March 28, 2022

Series on Genesis 1-11


This Naqada period pot dates to 3200 B.C.

Genesis 1-11 is full of anthropologically significant data. This series looks at those chapters through the lens of anthropology and presents a detailed picture of Abraham's ancestors. I hope that readers of this blog will enjoy this series. I look forward to reading your comments and addressing your questions.

Dr. Alice C. Linsley

An Anthropologist Looks at Genesis 1

The phrase "In the beginning" is common in African creation stories and songs.

Genesis 2

God created the first parents. Adam and Eve are the founding parents of the early Hebrew caste.

Genesis 3

The serpent as an enemy who is trampled under His feet.

Genesis 4

The first verifiably historical persons in the Bible as shown through kinship analysis.

Genesis 5

Endogamy among the early Hebrew. The lines of Cain and Seth intermarried. The lines of Ham and Shem intermarried. The lines of Abraham and Nahor intermarried.

Genesis 6

The Proto-Saharan ruler Noah and his sons.

Genesis 7

Noah saves his royal ménagerie.

Genesis 8

Boats and cows of the Proto-Saharans.

Genesis 9

The father's curse does not negate the Heavenly Father's covenant of blessing.

Genesis 10

An early ethnography with no mention of castes, evidence of a late source.

Genesis 11

The movement of Abraham's ancestors out of Africa. The Hebrew ruler-priest caste spread the rudimentary Messianic Faith wherever they dispersed.

Related reading: Who Were the Horite Hebrew?; Horite and Sethite Mounds

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