Alice C. Linsley
The Hebrew were a ruler-priest caste that maintained shrines and temples along the Nile long before the tie of Abraham (c.2000 BC). The caste had a moiety structure. The two ritual groups were the Horite Hebrew and the Sethtite Hebrew. The oldest known site of Horite Hebrew worship was a Nekhen on the Nil (c.4000 BC).
From the Nile Valley, the Hebrew dispersed into many regions of the ancient world. They were known by various names such as 'Apiru, Hapir, Habiru and Abru. Abru in Ancient Akkadian means "priest."
The words tera, sarki and harwa are related words mean ruler-priest. The words are found across the ancient world which extended from Nigeria to the Orissa region of India. In Hinduism, the sarki are responsible for flaying the sacrificed animal and for preserving the hides. The word harwa is an ancient Egyptian word for priest.
One of Abraham's nephews was named Thahash. This is the Hebrew word tahash, meaning skins. Thahash was likely a sarki who tanned the hides of sacrificed animals. Exodus 25:5 speaks of "five rams' skins dyed red, and tahash skins; acacia wood." God acts as the first sarki when He sacrifices animals to make coverings for the man and the woman (Gen. 3:21). Today Sarki live in the Orissa province of India and as ‘Haruwa’ in the Tarai region of Nepal. The word Haruwa is equivalent to the ancient Egyptian word ‘Harwa”, meaning "priest."
In Nigeria the sarki are called "Kano Kings" and they are linguistically closer to their Niger-Congo brethren than they are to the Semites.
The words tera, sarki and harwa are related words mean ruler-priest. The words are found across the ancient world which extended from Nigeria to the Orissa region of India. In Hinduism, the sarki are responsible for flaying the sacrificed animal and for preserving the hides. The word harwa is an ancient Egyptian word for priest.
One of Abraham's nephews was named Thahash. This is the Hebrew word tahash, meaning skins. Thahash was likely a sarki who tanned the hides of sacrificed animals. Exodus 25:5 speaks of "five rams' skins dyed red, and tahash skins; acacia wood." God acts as the first sarki when He sacrifices animals to make coverings for the man and the woman (Gen. 3:21). Today Sarki live in the Orissa province of India and as ‘Haruwa’ in the Tarai region of Nepal. The word Haruwa is equivalent to the ancient Egyptian word ‘Harwa”, meaning "priest."
In Nigeria the sarki are called "Kano Kings" and they are linguistically closer to their Niger-Congo brethren than they are to the Semites.
Other words for priests of the ancient world include tera, korah, sem, wabau, kalu (lamentation priest), hekau, and šangû. The Akkadian term šangû is the likely origin of the Latin word saguis and the English word sanguine, both referring to blood. The šangû probably offered animal sacrifice at royal sanctuaries.
According to Umberto Cassuto, the name Lamech is related to the Akkadian word lumakku, meaning “priest” (Commentary on Genesis, Vol. 1, p. 233). It also is related to the Hebrew word melek, meaning “king”. Further, Lamech is related to the Akkadian words maklu (burnt offering) and malku (ruler-priest). The Lamech of Genesis 4 and his grandson Lamech the Younger (Gen. 5) were Hebrew ruler-priests.
According to Umberto Cassuto, the name Lamech is related to the Akkadian word lumakku, meaning “priest” (Commentary on Genesis, Vol. 1, p. 233). It also is related to the Hebrew word melek, meaning “king”. Further, Lamech is related to the Akkadian words maklu (burnt offering) and malku (ruler-priest). The Lamech of Genesis 4 and his grandson Lamech the Younger (Gen. 5) were Hebrew ruler-priests.
Genesis also tells us that Abraham was a descendent of Kush, so while Abraham lived in Mesopotamia, he was of the Kushite people. Among these people the ruler-priests intermarried exclusively. Genesis shows that this is the case with Ham and Shem's lines. This should have an effect on the DNA of their living descendants, which it does. The Kushite migration explains the spread of R1*-M173, which is found mainly, but not exclusively in Africa. Haplogroup R1*-M173 is the pristine form of haplogroup R. We would expect just such a result from the Kushites whose rulers intermarried exclusively.
What is even more interesting is that this haplogroup is traced to Sub-Saharan Africa, which confirms the suspicion that the Kushites are descendants of people who moved to the Upper Nile from more southern parts of Africa, probably the Lebombo Mountains. In Africa researchers have detected frequencies of Haplogroup R1*-M173 as high as 95% among Sub-Saharan Africans. This study supports the picture of diffusion of Niger-Congo (Nilo-Saharan) carriers of R1*-M173 from Africa to Eurasia between 4-5,000 years ago.
In fact, the migration of Abraham's ancestors from Africa to India and beyond, explains the spread of motifs common to Afro-Asiatic, Hindu and Buddhist religions. Those motifs include Trees, Serpents, Water, the Bull, the Sun and the Moon. All of these are found at the temples and shrines of Memphis, Heliopolis and Hierakonpolis, but they did not originate there. They appear to have come from more southern parts of Africa.
Research verifying the Genesis record of Kushite migration from Africa into Eurasia can be found here:
Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2(5): 294-299, 2010
ISSN: 2041-0778 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2010
The Kushite Spread of Haplogroup R1*-M173 from Africa to Eurasia
Clyde A. W inters
Related reading: The Hebrew Were a Caste; Five Features of the Hebrew Social Structure; Sent-Away Sons; Hebrew Names and Titles; Why Nekhen is Anthropologically Significant
Alice, do you read Mathilda's Anthropology Blog? There are several good articles on Afro-Asiatic language origins.
I have read most of Clyde A. Winters' books. A book I am most anxious to read is "Atlantis in Mexico". This provocative title tells me that there will be some amazing scholarship that backs it up.
Yes, I follow Mathilda's blog and have read most of what she has posted on R1. She and I have had some conversations. For a while she wasn't posting much because she wasn't well. I believe that she is better now. She seems to have little respect for my research, being reactive toward anything that has the word "biblical" associated with it. She also appears unwilling to credit Africans with migration out of Africa and kingdom-building accomplishments in ancient times. Still, she has some good stuff at her blog.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%.
ReplyDeleteVery Interesting article. Please explain Abraham being from Kush I never read that anywhere.
ReplyDeleteAbraham's ancestors were Kushites. Abraham was born in Mesopotamia. He was a descendant of the Kushite kingdom builder, Nimrod. Nimrod was a son of Kush. See Genesis 10:8.
ReplyDeleteIn what parts of the world are the ancestors of Abraham living now?
ReplyDeleteAbraham might have lived in Ur of Chaldees, a nation founded by the Cushite Nimrod, but he was called a Syrian, and rightly so b/c he WAS a Shemite, a descendant of Eber, a son of Shem. I can't take you seriously if you can't even get the Table of Nations right.
ReplyDeleteMatu, Abraham is called a "Hebrew" and an "Aramaean" in the Bible. Syria as a nation did not exist at that time. The word Hebrew is the Anglicized form of the word Habiru found my many ancient texts. The Habiru were a caste of ruler priests whose lines intermarried. The lines of Cain and Seth (brothers) intermarried. The lines of Ham and Shem (brothers) intermarried. This means that Nimrod, Terah (Abraham's father) and Abraham were descendants of both Ham and Shem. The lines of Abraham and his brother Terah intermarried. Please feel free NOT to visit this site if you find the research offensive.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, my research has grown the most productive at times when it was "rattled" by people who are truth seekers!