Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nubian Captives

Alice C. Linsley

In this detail taken from Treasures of Egypt and Nubia, we see a reproduction of a Ippolito Rosellini painting done during the 1825 Franco-Italian expedition to Egypt. Red and black Nubian captives are roped together and the rope is pulled by the Pharaoh whose back is shown at the bottom right.

It is evident from another image that both red and black are bound.

Incense burners found at Addi Akaweh in the Tigray region of Ethiopia bear an inscription that says the region was ruled by three kings jointly ca. 2800 years ago. They ruled with their queens over a population of black and red citizens. One commentators states that the Shebans were red (like the Ainu) and the Hebrews were black. This has not be verified. It seems more likely that Nubian parents often had children of different color. This happens even today and sometimes with twins.

Genesis indicates that Esau was red. Was Jacob black?

Notes on Sheba:

The Queen of Sheba probably did not rule over the same territory as her very powerful ancestors named in Genesis. By the time of Solomon came to power Sheba's territory was diminished. David likely took control of some of those lands in the south. Remember, Sheba claimed to have a legitimate right to the throne in Jerusalem (and he probably did have a legitimate claim). He lost his life when he took refuge in the city of Abel Beth Maacah. He was beheaded there (2 Samuel 20:1-22).

Beersheba means the Well of Sheba. It was a principal settlement and very old center for metal work. Jews will deny this since Abraham lived there, as did Isaac. They interpret Beersheba to mean the well of seven.

Bilquis is mentioned in Yoruba lore. There are some problems with the alignments of the stories, however. A huge barrier wall has been discovered in Nigeria which the locals say is associated with Queen Bilquis. This seems to come from later Arabic sources though. I believe, however, the local people are correct in their association of the wall with the Shebans because they were kin to the Jebusites and the Ijebu still live in that place. Gen. 10 indicates that both the Shebans and teh Jebusties were Kushites. Jerusalem was originally a Jebusite or Ijebu shrine city. The Sheban (also spelled Sebans; Sabaeans) are clan of Joktan, son of Eber (Ebry) om Genesis 10:27-28). In Gen. 10:6-7 we find their ancestors are called Seba and Sheba and they are identified as Kushites. According to Vedic tradition, the Kushites ruled the ancient world for 7000 years.

Jesus said, "The Queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here." (Matt. 12: 42; Luke 11: 31)


  1. Hello Alice

    Nice post. I want to express my opinion about the red nubians. They were no different than the black ones. the red ochre body paint is still used today among African tribes. I read somewhere where there was war between the red and the blacks nubians in ancient times. I can't recall the source but this was more than likely one tribe wearing the ochre against another who did not wear it.


  2. Hello, Tauemyah. I hope you are well.

    Red ochre covering the entire body would be unusual, but that is certainly possible.

    I wonder if these Nubians might be the builders of the prestigious shrine city call Iunu - meaning "pillared place of the Nu" and known as On in the Bible. The Greeks called it City of the Sun (Heliopolis). They are designated Anu which is also spelled Ainu and Ha-nu. The Ainu are said to have a reddish skin tone. They are in Haplogroup X, meaning that they are a first people. Lots to investigate.

    How is your research coming?

  3. Hello, Alice

    How are you I am doing fine...Nuba women where red ochre but in time past it would not be hard to conceive the men also. The Hamer women wear it and the Maasi people paint there bodies. They (Maasi) are Maa speakers which is related to the Nuer and Dinka in the sudan area. Sudan people paint their bodies in different colors.

    I'll have to look into the "pillared place of Nu". The Anu people still exist in Africa their name may have changed over time. Example here is food for thought. People talk about the anunaki which is controversial but don't look at the Anuak in sudan.

    A lot of the colors used in ancient times are still used today. We have to keep in mind these people use colors for symbolic representation and for art. Coloring the body isn't new. This is not to say the people's actual color doesn't represent the ancient paintings but it could be the people painted themselves.

    I am coming along with my research. I will keep you posted. I would like to know more about the field of biblical anthropology as a profession. Is it all academic beside the field archeological work?


  4. Tauemyah,

    So glad that you are continuing your important research. I pray that it goes well.

    The use of red ochre is fascinating to me. It appears to have been the symbol of blood and life. It makes sense to me that Nuba women would wear red ochre. Might it also symbolize the Sun's rays?

    The Anu appear to be called by numerous variants: Anu, Ainu, Annu and Hannu.

  5. Hello Alice

    Yes it is the symbol of the sun....Kemet people saw themselves as the children of the sun... the pharoah wanted to become a star upon his death. Stars are offsprings of the sun and moon. The bible uses such reference also. The story of Joseph...he said the sun, moon and the stars bowed down to him in his dream. Believers are stars. We are the children of god, "children of light"..... hope this gives you a general idea of the concept



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